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来源: 亚普伪原创采集器|点击:|2012-02-24 22:05


When it comes to website optimization, the original soft paper to promote trust to each stationmaster are not unfamiliar to us, not only in a short period of time to the site to bring high flow, the effect is to get instant results, but consider an energy and put into question, everybody is like using pseudo original way to do promotion, the so-called pseudo-original, white is the original article was two times of processing, and then released to promote, but even this simple way, also need your website optimization staff to follow certain principle, as in website optimization field activity of two years of stationmaster, hope to bring some good methods to share are fighting for novices, hope can to some extent, help the rapid growth.

  现在很多伪原创要么就是直接将文章原封不动加上自己的链接,要么就是把文章东拼西凑,这样不仅达不到一个推广的效果,还浪费了很多的时间,笔者认为一篇高质量的伪原创文章应该时刻具备以下三点原则:1 结构要清晰2内容要懂得取长补短3 中心要鲜明,接下来就和大家做一一的分享。

Now many pseudo-original or is applied directly to the article wholly intact plus their own links, or put the article put all sorts of things together, so that not only fail to a promotion effect, but also waste a lot of time, the author believes that a high quality pseudo original articles should have the following three principles: 1 structure to clear 2 content to know each other 3 center to bright, then and we do one one share.


Principles structure should be clear


The author works every time structure of soft article, after all over in one's mind, so as the pseudo original, most can not do is easy to change the original structure, I've read a lot of SEOER simply put the article put all sorts of things together, structural random upside down, as a professional website optimize personnel, should always understand every ways real significance is not simply introducing flow only, more important is to give the reader to share something of real value, the structure is so confusing articles, even if is to be included, can completely reach the result that we want.


Principle two, to understand each other


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